Now, navigate to File > Open or press the CTRL + O buttons and select the JSON file you want to open.

Notepad++ will exit and then restart after the plugin has finished installing. In the Plugins Admin window, search JSON Viewer and install the JSON Viewer plugin.Open Notepad++, click the Plugins button at the top and select Plugins Admin.Method # 02: Opening JSON Files with Notepad++ Make the required changes in the Power Query editor and then click Load into Table > Close and Load to load the contents of the JSON file into the worksheet. Navigate to Get Data > From File > From JSON.Open the Excel Worksheet you want to insert the JSON files into and select the Data tab at the top.Method # 01: Open JSON Files with Microsoft Excel There are various methods and multiple applications to open and view the. An example of applications that let users save JSON files is Google+, which saves user profile data in JSON files. JSON files are used by many web-based JavaScript applications to store information, like node.js etc.Īpplications may not necessarily save JSON files on the hard drive because the data may be modified in internet connected computers. JSON files are also used to carry notifications from the web application to the server. JSON files are used for many purposes but its main purpose was to transmit data between a server and a web application. JSON was initially based on JavaScript but now it is considered language-independent because of its support for many Application Program Interfaces.